Lesson 10 - Delivery Pipeline
- Lesson 10 – Delivery Pipeline
- Learning Objectives
- 10.1 Configure and run a deployment pipeline in Jenkins
- Learning Objectives
- Delivery Pipeline
- Create and link Jenkins jobs
- Create a delivery pipeline in Jenkins
- Shutting down all AWS services
- Shutting down AWS services
- Commands
- Git
- Linux
- Tools
- Course-Specific Resources
- Recommended Books, Articles and Blogs
- Instructions
- AWS Links
- Collaboration and Links
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Secure Shell Software
- Development Platforms
- Build
- Version Control Systems
- Deployment
- Infrastructure Automation
- Continuous Integration
- Database
- Application Containers
- Web Containers
- Domain Name Service
- Compute
- Storage
- Queuing
- Testing
- Static Analysis