Lesson 4 - Implemnting Continuous Integration pipeline in AWS
- Lesson 4 – Implemnting Continuous Integration pipeline in AWS
- Learning Objectives
- 4.1 Create a CloudFormation template
- Learning Objectives
- CloudFormation
- EXERCISE: Create and run a CloudFormation template
- EXERCISE: Launch CloudFormation stack based on template
- 4.1 Continuous Integration Infrastructure Architecture
- Learning Objectives
- Review the CI Architecture
- 4.2 Install Jenkins Plugin
- Learning Objectives
- Install a Jenkins plugin
- 4.2 Integrate Puppet with CloudFormation
- Learning Objectives
- CloudFormation w/ Puppet
- Puppet Resources
- EXERCISE: Create and run a CloudFormation template
- EXERCISE: Launch CloudFormation stack based on template
- 4.3 Script a build in Ant
- Learning Objectives
- EXERCISE: Run Ant build
- EXERCISE: Create a Rake build script (OPTIONAL)
- 4.3 Configure a scripted environment job
- Learning Objectives
- Create a Jenkins job that builds a new environment
- 4.4 Configure a scripted build job
- Learning Objectives
- Create a scripted build job in Jenkins
- 4.4 Script a build in Maven
- Learning Objectives
- EXERCISE: Run a Maven build
- 4.5 Script a database
- Learning Objectives
- EXERCISE: Run scripted database files
- EXERCISE: Scripted Database (OPTIONAL)
- Scripted Databases
- 4.5 Configure a scripted deployment job
- Learning Objectives
- Create a scripted deployment job in Jenkins
- 4.6 Configure and run on-demand jobs
- Learning Objectives
- Create an on-demand job in Jenkins
- 4.6 Script the upgrade and downgrade of a database
- Learning Objectives
- Use this for subheaders
- Apply database changes (OPTIONAL)
- 4.7 Script a deployment
- Learning Objectives
- EXERCISE: Modify Capistrano script.
- EXERCISE: Modify Capistrano Script (OPTIONAL: Ruby)
- 4.7 Configure and run scheduled jobs
- Learning Objectives
- View a scheduled job Jenkins configuration
- 4.8 Set up and utilize a dependency-management repository
- Learning Objectives
- EXERCISE: Dependency Management using Jenkins an S3
- 4.8 Configure and run continuous jobs
- Learning Objectives
- View the build schedule for a continuous job
- 4.9 Create continuous feedback mechanisms
- Learning Objectives
- Configure email notifications in Jenkins