- 1.9 View and run jobs within a deployment pipeline
- Learning Objectives
- Create a Hosted Zone
- View and execute a deployment pipeline
1.9 View and run jobs within a deployment pipeline
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson you will be able to:
- Execute jobs within a deployment pipeline.
Create a Hosted Zone
Create a Hosted Zone for a domain that you own.
- From the Management Console, select the Route 53 tab: https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/.
- Click the Create Hosted Zone button.
- Name the domain in the Domain Name field. Give it the name of a domain that you own and that you can use later. I’m using a domain that I own called devopscloud.com. Your domain must be different.
- After entering the domain name, click the Create Hosted Zone button.
- Select the checkbox next to the domain. You’ll see what’s called the Delegation Set in the Hosted Zone Details panel. Each of these entries is a domain server that you will enter for your domain servers with your domain registrar.
View and execute a deployment pipeline
- Go to the Jenkins dashboard and select the CDPipeline.
- Click on the link labeled Start Build of Pipeline for TargetEnvironment.
You’ll need to enter values for the PrivateBucket, PublicBucket, KeyName and HostedZone.
- PrivateBucket – You named this bucket in the Create an S3 bucket to host credentials section of Lesson 1.1.
- PublicBucket – You named this bucket in the Apply a bucket policy using CloudFormation section of Lesson 1.1.
- KeyName – This key was created in the Create a New Key Pair section of Lesson 1.1. Be sure to include the KeyName suffix (e.g. .pem)
- HostedZone – This is the name of the HostedZone you created in this Lesson – in the section above. Be sure to include the domain suffix (e.g. .com)
Click the Build button. It could take 30 minutes or more to execute all of the jobs.