Balaji Vajjala's Blog

A DevOps Blog from Trenches


  • 1.9 View and run jobs within a deployment pipeline
    • Learning Objectives
    • Create a Hosted Zone
    • View and execute a deployment pipeline

1.9 View and run jobs within a deployment pipeline

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson you will be able to:

  • Execute jobs within a deployment pipeline.

Create a Hosted Zone

Create a Hosted Zone for a domain that you own.

  1. From the Management Console, select the Route 53 tab:
  2. Click the Create Hosted Zone button.
  3. Name the domain in the Domain Name field. Give it the name of a domain that you own and that you can use later. I’m using a domain that I own called Your domain must be different.
  4. After entering the domain name, click the Create Hosted Zone button.
  5. Select the checkbox next to the domain. You’ll see what’s called the Delegation Set in the Hosted Zone Details panel. Each of these entries is a domain server that you will enter for your domain servers with your domain registrar.

View and execute a deployment pipeline

  1. Go to the Jenkins dashboard and select the CDPipeline.
  2. Click on the link labeled Start Build of Pipeline for TargetEnvironment.
  3. You’ll need to enter values for the PrivateBucket, PublicBucket, KeyName and HostedZone.

    • PrivateBucket – You named this bucket in the Create an S3 bucket to host credentials section of Lesson 1.1.
    • PublicBucket – You named this bucket in the Apply a bucket policy using CloudFormation section of Lesson 1.1.
    • KeyName – This key was created in the Create a New Key Pair section of Lesson 1.1. Be sure to include the KeyName suffix (e.g. .pem)
    • HostedZone – This is the name of the HostedZone you created in this Lesson – in the section above. Be sure to include the domain suffix (e.g. .com)
  4. Click the Build button. It could take 30 minutes or more to execute all of the jobs.