If you don’t know what librarian is – get to know it :) (it makes life much easier)[http://rubydoc.info/gems/librarian-chef] than way back when …
The most annoying thing happend to me earlier this evening, I was working on a cookbook [A chef cookbook …, I don’t actually do the cooking at home :)], and running librarian install yielded the following error:
"Cheffile and Cheffile.lock are out of sync!"
So like a good boy I remoced the Cheffile.lock and ran it again resulting with the same damn error message … arrrrrr !
So after examening my Cheffile over and over I noticed I have listed a dependency from two different location somthing like the followin [ clieng url’s omitted from snippet ]:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
If you look a line numbers 11 & 14 you will see I am specifying the smae cookbook from tow different sources …, this is a good thing, your dependecny mechanisem / tool isn’t making decitions for you [ unlike Maven for exmaple … ].
So in order to avoid this error and to comtinue working I had to remove one if the lines and I was good to go.
1 2 3 4 5 |
Another fraction on my time line …